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Your support is helping us promote Bioenergetic Analysis.
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A recent testimony: “We would like to make this contribution in memory of Jean Fitzsimmons, CBT and international trainer emeritus. She loved Bioenergetic work and trained generations of our local CBTs as well as many therapists throughout Europe. With that in mind, we would like the money to be used to support IIBA training and educational programs.“ The Michigan Society (USA)
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The IIBA welcomes support from businesses and we are very happy to partner with other socially responsible companies whose ethical and environmental codes of conduct are aligned with ours.
Clinical Journal of the IIBA
The Annual Clinical Journal of the IIBA is an international journal that publishes impact papers in the area of Bioenergetic Analysis that explore the bodily, analytic and relational therapeutic work.This well-established journal (since 1984) publishes articles on clinical studies including relevant case reports of therapeutic relationships.
Why be a sponsor?
Take advantage of advertising in our Annual Clinical Journal (published in English and in a second rotating language) to not only showcase your products and services, but to also demonstrate your support for the bodypsychotherapy and those who work in it.
More information about our Clinical Journals, click here ...
IIBA International Conferences
As an IIBA International Conference Sponsor, your organization will be featured in many areas of the biannual conference frequented by hundreds of psychotherapists.
Why be a sponsor?
The IIBA International Conferences is one of the most recognized and respected events in the area of body-psychotherapy. Align your brand with the IIBA, gain more exposure and get your logo placement on our marketing campaigns!
More information about our next conference, click here ...
If you would like to talk to someone about business partnerships with the IIBA, please contact us
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