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Find a Bioenergetic Therapist

IIBA Members map sType below the name of a location and eventually set a distance around this location with the cursor (could be limitative).

You can zoom in/out using the [+] & [-], and open the map full screen by clicking on top-right square .
Click on marker to get more info about a member, and on the name to open a full profile.

A list is also provided under the map.



Total: 1 results found.


The home place of Bioenergetic Analysis.

The IIBA is a member of
USABP and of  EABP

USABP Logo 1

EABPLogo 600


  International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
   C/ dels Ametllers, 6
             08670 Navàs - Barcelona
  +34 623 56 32 47
  Working days - Western Europe time (UTC+2)


  Read our Privacy Policy




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